Sunday, October 19, 2008

Crossing the CX barrier

Kramer's log, tree date 10/19/08, McClaren Park, SanFran. MTB course slated as Cyclocross. Cool temperatures with overcast and not much parking. Number one fan, mom, on side-lines carrying jacket and water, no hand-up required. Lousy start, 25 back, steady as she goes, rough seas, light jib, then a sail change in clear air after 2 laps. All cylinders firing. One look tells me current speed faster than leaders, but is it enough?, with such a bad start. Front runner stalling, speed still steady... on the front, 3 to go. push it..... 2 to go, nice gap, lots of power, stay steady.... one to go, all clear, be smart..., coasting to the line for a awaited win. thank god!

Can't believe that race turned out so well, wasn't even going to leave home. then coming from the back, man that was good!

Thanks to everyone for a fun day, and my mom had a real treat. Her last race was my win in Soquel 3 years ago. Pilarcitos did a great job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Henry! what happened? one minute your racing from your usual back of the pack start...and the next your having it out with the Webcor guy! Some pushing some shoving...then he comes after you! must have twisted his left testicle as you banged him off his bike and it really set him off! Fortunately for you your teammate came to the rescue and T-Boned the Webcor guy just as he was coming to get you (off his bike at this point). He got hit by your teammate head to head going 18-20 MPH! WOW! Luckily the Webcor guy used to be a linebacker in the NFL...he took the hit in stride! (gotta have the 3 day headache though)...What happened to precipitate such ugly-ness? Kemakol P.S. Coates wasn't even involved!